Day 1:
Another interesting thing I have found about the German’s is their relationship with their government. On the first day we visited the government buildings which includes the Chancellery, the Federal Snake, the Embassies (Brittish + French + American), Fire/police stations, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and Reichstag (Parliment building). I enjoyed the courtyard of the Chancellery and the approach it provided for its people within the urban landscape.
Day 2:
Today we saw more contemporary buildings, which fit my taste a little better than some of yesterdays. Although I am inspired more by the contemporary style buildings; I still appreciate the historic classical and modern buildings for the story they unfold. Anyways, we started off the day with visiting the BrandenBurg gate. The plaza was bordered with some of the Essemblies, the DG Bank (Gehry), and the Academy of Art (Behnisch). Out of all the buildings, it was interesting to see Gehry have a building that actually preserved the existing urban fabric. It is decently on of his more conservative works, but the true Frank Gehry was revealed in the interior atrium space which held the conference hall.
Adjacent to the DG Bank was Behnisch’s Academy of Art. Behnisch is one of my favorite German architects and it was exciting to visit one of his works in person. The images will speak for themselves.
I don’t really understand Eisenmen’s intentions behind the design, but I appreciate it for what it symbolizes. The various masses of the concrete blocks represent all of those who were killed during the period of Hitler’s concentration camps. The increasing depth of the blocks the rolling landscapes allows one to become displaced from their surroundings, which offers a time of reflection.
The two places I enjoyed the most today was the Philharmonie (Hans Scharoun) and the Sony Center (H.Jaun). We got an extensive tour of the Philharmonie (Symphony Hall) in which I found fascinating. Scharoun designed the Philharmonie with the many influences from nature because he believed that nature coexists with music. The Philharmonie offered a lyrical experience that moved you throughout the space. There was no over organized circulation, structural system, or strategic methods to this building. Everything existed as a living form that was inspired by nature and music with a high concentration on how we, as living creatures, would react and move within that space. He saw his building as an extension or enclosure of nature. I was really inspired by the attention he gave to the user and the use of the space.
The two places I enjoyed the most today was the Philharmonie (Hans Scharoun) and the Sony Center (H.Jaun). We got an extensive tour of the Philharmonie (Symphony Hall) in which I found fascinating. Scharoun designed the Philharmonie with the many influences from nature because he believed that nature coexists with music. The Philharmonie offered a lyrical experience that moved you throughout the space. There was no over organized circulation, structural system, or strategic methods to this building. Everything existed as a living form that was inspired by nature and music with a high concentration on how we, as living creatures, would react and move within that space. He saw his building as an extension or enclosure of nature. I was really inspired by the attention he gave to the user and the use of the space.
Well, that’s all I have for today. I hope you enjoy bc the images took forever to upload. It was great and I am looking forward to an adventurous weekend. I will be leaving in about an hour to catch a train to Burgen de Purgen? It is a small island in north Germany which is along the Baltic Sea. There is a national forest where we will be hiking and overlooking the cliff to view the Baltic Sea…none of us know much about it but we figured we were up for a spontaneous adventure. I’ll update how things went when I get back.
I definitely find it interesting that the architect of the philharmonie, scharoun, designed a building based around community, equality, and harmony, the makings of socialism and yet it was built in the times of communism.
ReplyDeleteYes, I really respect and enjoy that about the German's culture. Scharoun's philharmonie illustates a good sense of community. His theory on how the people act as a unified body that could enjoy music together. I wish American citizens valued that more rather than constantly trying to be better than everyone else. It takes away the beauty of living together.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed hearing of your experiences of these first days in Berlin. Great Pictures!